Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dear Congress and Obama:

I just wanted to drop a quick note and let you know that I am deeply concerned about the state of our union today. If Obama's Amnesty bill passes we'll be sanctioning the rights of some 20 Million criminals that have broken into our country ILLEGALLY, and giving them privileges not shared by our CITIZENS currently.

Right now through our taxes we support welfare, medical, and education benefits for these CRIMINALS while the average american can't afford the same. We have a national unemployment and economic crisis on our hands and want to further that by pardoning 20 million more people? Ludicrous.

Please stand firm in resolve against the further destruction of our country by the propogation of "turning the other cheek" to the steady stream of illegal immigrants.

Arizona's SB1070 is a step in the right direction and one we here in Colorado need to adopt as well.

Thank You,

Jeremy Nelson

Thursday, April 15, 2010

political grandstanding.

so it seems our lovely neighbors to the north, Brighton, CO, have in their midst a sherriff who has purportedly been abusing his office to both slander a fellow officer, but do anything in his power to stop said person from running for the office that he himself holds.

oh how the mighty shall fall. i just finished reading the 27 page lawsuit:

that was submitted to FEDERAL court since the original injunction that was submitted to adams county court over a year and a half ago has yet to be answered in ANY fashion!

now i'm no big to do on fancy lawyer speak but even a dense simpleton such as myself can follow what apparently has been going on. If it were up to me and my old fashioned posse justice, some scary Nancy Kerrigan type mayhem would ensue, but perhaps afterwards the good Sherriff of Nottingham could be left to simmer overnight in general population at the Adams County Jail, where it appears he so richly deserves to be interned.

Good luck on this one Sherriff Darr, I think you're going to need it. to bad there won't be anyone appointed over you to abuse his rank and position and perhaps whisper in a few ears about YOUR conduct and why it has you where you now find yourself.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

writing, agian

So i've been putting off for weeks now typing up the beginning of my book. I've written it out shorthand in a comp book that i've carried w/ me, but for some reason, even tho i can type it up faster then i can write it, and for the most part do it w/ o looking at the screen, i feel like its a waste of time, but now i have people, and rightfully so, bugging me for it.

so FINE!

and yes, that is a long run-on sentence.

Saturday, April 10, 2010



taken from my friend Cherie's FB page, I now have a Blog of my own, to spew forth a constant whirlwind of mental imagery upon an as yet unfound gathering of the masses. This shall be fun.

Plus, it'll act as a catalyst to my own writing and ideas.

Here's looking at you (me) kid.