Saturday, November 19, 2011

more blatant power grabbing

Jeremy Nelson


Jared Polis, Michael Bennet, Mark Udall


Please stop S. 968 and the PROTECT IP Act!


Dear [Recipient],

I am writing to you as a voter in your district. I urge you to oppose the House version of S. 968, the PROTECT IP Act. The PROTECT IP Act is dangerous, ineffective, and short-sighted. The House version -- just introduced by Rep. Goodlatte -- is far worse.

Over coming days you'll be hearing from the many businesses, advocacy organizations, and ordinary Americans who oppose this legislation because of the myriad ways in which it will stifle free speech and innovation. We hope you'll take our concerns to heart and oppose this legislation.

In a time when our economy is weak, and our unemployment is skyrocketing, any legislation that seeks to further infringe upon our rights should be looked upon with the highest disdain. I would hope that as the representatives of our FREEDOMS, that you will act as Americans, and not politicians, and STOP this blatant attack on a medium that is used by and large for the betterment of our society. A blanket bill that is being created by lobbyists to protect one extremely small, (and generally greed run) facet of our society, and that will be used like a phalanx of shocktroops on the common man sickens me, as I certainly hope that it sickens you as well.


Jeremy Nelson


Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Continuing Adventures of The Bat Man

Today, The Bat Man, was summoned on several occasions to beat to death people that leave 100 feet of room between them and the vehicle in front of them, and then atttempt to speed up and tailgate that vehicle the instant someone tries to change lanes in front of them..


If not, then learn to not drive like a toolbag and we'll get along just peachy.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

my superhero

I want to make a new superhero, well superperson. see, this person would be the quick and sudden executor of common sense and courtesy, or justice for the lack thereof.

now, the name has already widely been used, but see, this will be the same name, but in two seperate words.

The Bat Man.

see, here's how it works.

when someone cuts you off in traffic and doesn't use their turn signal, the bat man would be just a regular looking guy, but his power would be the abilty to summon invisible bat swinging madmen. sooooo what would happen is the bat swinging, yes invisible bat men would take out that cars side mirror and/or turn signal that they aren't using anyways.


and it could be used for good too i suppose. how about by whacking robbers during a car jacking or robbery, (no, that's not repetitive), or by bashing the head in of that drunk asshole that is holding up the entire bus from leaving so you can get home in time to watch your favorite shows on tv!

i tell you, if i could only draw.

Thursday, November 18, 2010



I haven't utilized my blog in awhile. Life seems to be getting busy lately. Havent worked on my novel in awhile either. Seems I come home to tired to do much anymore, what a sad state of affairs when I sit on my ass all day at work, when I used to work 10-12 hour days on my feet the whole time running around controlling the chaos, and now I just deal w/ morons and assholes all day instead.

I rather miss my previous profession more and more as time goes by. I never realized it at the time, but for the last 5 years of it, I never woke up in the morning complaining that " I don't want to goto work today " ! I loved what I did, and who I did it with, for the most part. Now, on almost a daily basis, I dread going to work. Part of that is knowing that I'm stuck in a dead end profession with no hope of rescue, and part of it is knowing I'm in a thankless profession where everything is my fault to everyone else.

Due to a recent (in the last few years) medical condition, i no longer am a Chef, I no longer get out to play Paintball w/ Blacklight Company (( )) I don't ski, i don't really do anything that has the possibility of injury to my legs as the consequences of that happening outweigh the joy of those activities on a factor of 100.

So, now, my life is pretty boring, i read still, everyday. I took up the mantle of Vice President for the local area MINI cooper club (( )) which sporadically sucks up huge ammounts of my time. I spend inordinate ammounts of time on internet flash and java based game sites. I gave up WoW, although i consider lightly getting back into it. I've taken up photography, but my only "expert" friend constantly tells me I basically suck, (( although i think thats because I'm not interested in the shit he is )). And i've fallen in love, which is a grand adventure in its own right, so that's enough about that for here.

As for career options, school is out until my car is paid off, another 4 years. My entire job history is restaurant based, so everytime i apply elsewhere, i have to rewrite my resume. every job search engine or site i goto only sends me restaurant jobs... which I can't do since standing up for more then an hour is a no no now. It's fairly frustrating, but at least I'm employed, no matter how pathetically.

here's to you life, you son of a bitch.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Chapter 1

Well, I'm finally getting around to transferring my novel from notebook, to computer, here's the first chapter, enjoy and please post some comments below!


Putting down her iced tea, Mrs. Jenkins rose from the couch to answer the summons of the door bell. Pausing to look through the spy hole she sees a pleasant looking fellow standing on the porch in denim overalls, nervously kneading his hat in his hands.
"Yes young man, how can I help you?" she asks as she opens the door.
“Gosh ma'am, I sh'ore do hate to be bothering you right now, but is your son's name Billy?" inquires the man.
Sensing the end to her pleasant afternoon, Mrs. Jenkins invites the young man inside with a sweep of her hand, “Would you like some fresh brewed iced tea while we talk? "
“Shucks ma'am, that sh'ore would hit the spot right proper, “ replies the man as he steps inside and takes a seat on the couch.
“It’ll be just a moment, make yourself at home while I fetch refreshments, " quips Mrs. Jenkins on her way into the kitchen.
In the kitchen she opens a cupboard, gets out matching glasses and a serving tray. Quickly grabbing two Pear Ginger scones and placing them on a dish, the pitcher of iced tea out of the fridge, along w/ a lemon she slices up for the tea, and arranges them on the platter. Good manners never hurt anyone, her mother used to say. With a shake of her head, she wonders just what it is Billy has done now. The last time someone came to the door it took her an hour of schmoozing to ensure the police weren’t called, in fact she was still paying for those broken windows.
Adjusting the items on the tray one more time, and pausing to fix her hair in the window over the sink, Mrs. Jenkins steps into the living room.
“Well now, I’ve brought us some tea and a nibble, now you just tell me what Billy’s gone and done now..”
As she looks up from the tray, she just barely has time to gasp in shock before fifty thousand volts of electricity send her and her carefully prepared tray crashing to the floor.
Quickly grabbing a washcloth from a nearby laundry basket, the man pulls a small vial out of his pocket and dumps the contents out. Placing the now wet cloth over Mrs. Jenkins mouth he mutters to her while the drugs take effect.
“Now now little lady, it’ll all be over soon, just you take yourself a little nap and stop wrastlin’ around.”

Sunday, June 20, 2010

daily post 2

all moved in now to our new house, just need to do the ever wonderful unpacking and rearranging of the goods and such until optimum placement is reached. the other good thing about this is that we have pizza for a few days due to the apparent lack of appetite our helpers had. I guess we'll just have to work them harder next move (mental note made).

Oh, and don't forget the case of beer left over for the same reason, although I believe that will go faster then the pizza :P

Now here's hoping that I'm not super sore tommorrow for the first day back at work.

Goals for the week:

clean old pad
finish unpacking
find cheap computer desk
decorate man cave
finish transcribing novel in progress to the computer so i can work on it more.

typing is so much faster then handwriting, and can be done w/o looking at the screen!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

daily post 1

i really need to utilize my blog more, so i've decided to do a daily journal about the funny or more likely stupid things that i see people do. for today i'll remark on something someone did a few days ago.

I drive a bus for the city, and this knob got on and asked me how late the bus runs, this was on saturday, (I usually don't work the weekends, unless its for OT) and I told him to grab a schedule.

he replied, " Oh, the schedule has the times in it?"

he was totally serious and equally dumbfounded at the same time as though it was his life's revelation that a schedule would have times listed in it...
