Monday, June 21, 2010

Chapter 1

Well, I'm finally getting around to transferring my novel from notebook, to computer, here's the first chapter, enjoy and please post some comments below!


Putting down her iced tea, Mrs. Jenkins rose from the couch to answer the summons of the door bell. Pausing to look through the spy hole she sees a pleasant looking fellow standing on the porch in denim overalls, nervously kneading his hat in his hands.
"Yes young man, how can I help you?" she asks as she opens the door.
“Gosh ma'am, I sh'ore do hate to be bothering you right now, but is your son's name Billy?" inquires the man.
Sensing the end to her pleasant afternoon, Mrs. Jenkins invites the young man inside with a sweep of her hand, “Would you like some fresh brewed iced tea while we talk? "
“Shucks ma'am, that sh'ore would hit the spot right proper, “ replies the man as he steps inside and takes a seat on the couch.
“It’ll be just a moment, make yourself at home while I fetch refreshments, " quips Mrs. Jenkins on her way into the kitchen.
In the kitchen she opens a cupboard, gets out matching glasses and a serving tray. Quickly grabbing two Pear Ginger scones and placing them on a dish, the pitcher of iced tea out of the fridge, along w/ a lemon she slices up for the tea, and arranges them on the platter. Good manners never hurt anyone, her mother used to say. With a shake of her head, she wonders just what it is Billy has done now. The last time someone came to the door it took her an hour of schmoozing to ensure the police weren’t called, in fact she was still paying for those broken windows.
Adjusting the items on the tray one more time, and pausing to fix her hair in the window over the sink, Mrs. Jenkins steps into the living room.
“Well now, I’ve brought us some tea and a nibble, now you just tell me what Billy’s gone and done now..”
As she looks up from the tray, she just barely has time to gasp in shock before fifty thousand volts of electricity send her and her carefully prepared tray crashing to the floor.
Quickly grabbing a washcloth from a nearby laundry basket, the man pulls a small vial out of his pocket and dumps the contents out. Placing the now wet cloth over Mrs. Jenkins mouth he mutters to her while the drugs take effect.
“Now now little lady, it’ll all be over soon, just you take yourself a little nap and stop wrastlin’ around.”

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