Sunday, June 20, 2010

daily post 2

all moved in now to our new house, just need to do the ever wonderful unpacking and rearranging of the goods and such until optimum placement is reached. the other good thing about this is that we have pizza for a few days due to the apparent lack of appetite our helpers had. I guess we'll just have to work them harder next move (mental note made).

Oh, and don't forget the case of beer left over for the same reason, although I believe that will go faster then the pizza :P

Now here's hoping that I'm not super sore tommorrow for the first day back at work.

Goals for the week:

clean old pad
finish unpacking
find cheap computer desk
decorate man cave
finish transcribing novel in progress to the computer so i can work on it more.

typing is so much faster then handwriting, and can be done w/o looking at the screen!

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